Farnham Park

  • Free parking (no height restrictions)
  • Disabled parking bays
  • Bins
  • Green Flag Award
  • Free dog poo bags
  • Benches
  • Picnic tables at the playgrounds
  • Adventure playground and trim trail
  • Golf club and cricket club
  • Café with toilets
  • Free leaflets with maps are available
  • Mix of surfaced paths and mown paths
  • Historic landscape
  • Walks of at least 4km possible, with lots of options
See route…



Where you’ll find it…

Find the main car park off Folly Hill (A287), Farnham, nearest postcode GU9 OAU. Grid reference SU 83776 47532. What3Words: reserve.annual.marketing. There is also the small Ranger’s House car park, 400m or so up Folly Hill, grid reference SU 83652 47882. What3Words: universe.ruffle.satellite.

N.B. We’ve given the nearest postcode, but recommend using the links to look up the exact location. The centre of a postcode may be up to half a mile from your destination.

What you’ll find there…

This extensive medieval deer park and Local Nature Reserve won’t fail to please. With far-reaching views, a neighbouring castle, a superb tree-lined avenue and circular walks with plenty of hills, ponds, streams and valleys to explore, this park has it all. Great walks, historical interest and a landscape to die for. Combine that with plenty of facilities, including a café with toilets, picnic areas, an adventure playground and trim trail, and you’ve surely got a great trip out. Thoroughly recommended!

Find the main adventure playground at What3Words: left.imparting.booth, and a smaller one at the top of St. James’ Avenue, at What3Words: hook.birds.friend.

Note: Dog walkers may find it useful to know that part of the site is grazed with cattle, but this area is easily avoided. Most of the ponds are fenced to protect wildlife, but Friends Pond at What3Words: sleepy.harsh.caressing, welcomes our four-legged friends.

My favourite greenspace: Find out why Farnham Park is Warden Jo’s favourite.



This ‘Greenspace on your doorstep’ is managed by…

Waverley Borough Council


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