Take action! Conservation volunteering opportunities near you

Today, we are proud to unveil our new page detailing local conservation volunteering opportunities.
Read on to find out more…
Taking part in conservation tasks is a great way for you to get active, meet new people and learn new skills. It is also a brilliant way for you to take positive action to help look after our amazing local nature areas.
If the above isn’t convincing enough, it is usually a great way to get some free tea, biscuits and sometimes cake!
Tasks are varied, enabling you to contribute to scrub clearance, bird and bat box building, cattle checking, boardwalk construction and wildlife surveying. There are opportunities for you during the week and at weekends, regardless of your ability and previous experiences. You don’t have to help out every week. That said, you could probably find something to do seven days a week, all year round. It’s entirely up to you.
There are also opportunities to be a Litter Hero (who doesn’t want to be a hero??), to help monitor our amazing heathland birds and even be a volunteer site warden.
But why volunteer?
Joining in opens up the chance to do things you simply wouldn’t be able to do anywhere else.
Of course you don’t have to take my word for it… If you happen to come across a conservation volunteer, ask them why they do it and you’ll likely get similar stories of thrilling wildlife encounters, learning lots from like-minded people and epic tales of an especially tasty homemade Victoria sponge.
And where can you volunteer?
The Thames Basin Heaths Partnership is made up of an array of organisations actively managing areas of our countryside for the benefit of wildlife and people, so we have created a brand new webpage detailing loads of opportunities for you to get involved with our partners’ efforts across Surrey, Hampshire & Berkshire.
This page can be found at www.tbhpartnership.org.uk/volunteering/
or by clicking here.
If you have a look at the page and don’t find anything near where you live or that currently interests you, please do keep checking the list as we will continue to add opportunities as and when they arise.
Conservation Volunteering and the Year of Green Action
Taking part in activities that contribute to the upkeep of nature spaces is a fundamental part of 2019’s Year of Green Action and helps local communities take positive action to connect with and protect and enhance our precious environments.
For a bit more information, check out the blog I wrote as an introduction to the Year of Green Action.
You can make a difference. We all can!
And clicking here is a great place to start – Let us know how you get on (and what cake you get!)
Education & Engagement Officer