
A heathland wildfire story

It's Wildfire Awareness Week and we'd love you to spread the #BeWildfireAware message by sharing this salutary tale with old and young.

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Eelmoor Marsh

Something a little bit different today, a peek into a corner of the Special Protection Area we don't normally get to see.

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History on your doorstep: 4. Naishes Wood

Warden Mike samples the fascinating history behind this dramatic hillside location.

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History on your doorstep: 5. Chertsey Meads

Today Warden Mike introduces Chertsey Meads with its wonderful view across the River Thames to a historic bridge.

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History on your doorstep: 6. Wellesley Woodlands

At Wellesley Woodlands, Warden Mike finds echoes of military history and primaeval Beech woods.

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