
Going paperless?

COVID-19 may have stopped us handing out leaflets, but technology has come to the rescue and we're going paperless.

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When Countryfile came to visit

Warden Jamie takes a behind the scenes look at Surrey Wildlife Trust's recent appearance on Countryfile.

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Introducing Daria

The newest member of the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership team, our data analyst Daria, introduces herself.

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Hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons

It's been a sad week for the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area. Prolonged dry weather and soaring temperatures put the heathland at extreme risk of fire and we watched as our worst fears were played out in the news.

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How do you use your local parks, footpaths and countryside?

Hart District Council, Rushmoor Borough Council and Surrey Heath Borough Council are carrying out a survey within their areas. By taking part, you're helping them plan for the future.

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