Sheet’s Heath

Sheet’s Heath is a beautiful spot, managed by the Surrey Heathland Partnership on behalf of Woking Borough Council, and DIO. It makes a lovely walk and is much-loved by local people. It’s a small, but important part of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area and a Site of Special Scientific Interest. At only 50 hectares it represents less than 1% of the heathland habitat protected by the Special Protection Area, but in such a fragmented landscape even small nature reserves like this are essential, being important stepping stones and green corridors between the larger ones. But being small, makes it especially vulnerable.
The heathland at Sheet’s Heath is home to three types of rare birds that nest throughout the spring and summer months, Woodlarks, Dartford Warblers and Nightjars. They nest right on the ground or in low-growing vegetation, in open areas of heather and gorse (see the photo gallery below if you’re not sure). Unfortunately, the number of birds nesting at Sheet’s Heath has declined in recent years, but by keeping to the main paths, we can give them the space they need. If in doubt, keeping to the woodland perimeter from March to September will avoid the areas where the birds nest and will help them recover. By protecting the birds here, we’re not only helping local wildlife, we’re also making sure the protection from housing development offered by the Special Protection Area, that Sheet’s Heath benefits from, stays in place.
It’s especially important to keep dogs under control, as birds are easily scared off their nests. It’s not necessarily that dogs hunt the birds, but if they’re repeatedly scared off their nests, they’ll eventually abandon them. Keeping your dog with you on the main paths from March to September is all we ask please.
Good to know…
Find routes onto Sheet’s Heath and limited parking just off Billesden Road at What3Words: tunnel.keeps.clip in Pirbright, and pedestrian entrances from Sheets Heath Lane at Brookwood, GU24.
Dogs are not required to be on leads, but please keep them close and with you on the paths. If you’re not sure of your recall, please keep them on a lead.
If you’re a regular dog walker and would like to try somewhere else, to help protect this fragile place, our top recommendations are Brookwood Country Park at Knaphill (1 mile away), Bisley Common on Stafford Lake at Bisley (2 miles) and Windlemere at West End (4 miles).
Sheet’s Heath gallery…
- Lovely display of gorse in bloom, April 2022. Compact gorse shrubs like this make ideal nesting habitat for some species of birds.
- If you and your dog keep to wide tracks like this one, you’ll avoid disturbing the birds.
- Signs at most entrances to the heath remind everyone of our simple request.
- It’s important to keep people and dogs out of open areas of heather. Nice swathes of heather, like this one, make ideal nesting habitat for some species of birds.
- Avoid the smaller paths that go right through nice areas of heather.
- Although much of the heath is dry and sandy, there are wetter areas, ideal habitat for all sorts of wildlife. Take your wellies!
- The more wooded areas around the edges of the heath make perfect routes away from the best nesting areas…
- …wooded areas like these offer space to run around without the risk of disturbing rare wildlife.
- This large pond is a real focal point at Sheet’s Heath, but is in an area that could easily be used for nesting, if it wasn’t so busy here.
[Click on the images for the full size versions, and to see the captions for more information]
Thank you everyone 🙏
Thames Basin Heaths Partnership